Name William Stryker
His connection to Weapon X is secret
Marital Status Widowed
Legal Status Citizen of the United States with no criminal record

Height 6'
195 lbs.
Hair Black
Eyes Brown
Age 47

Stryker is a normal human who possesses an incredible mind for tactics and strategy and has undergone extensive military training.

Over 25 years ago, William Stryker was an army sergeant assigned to a nuclear facility. His wife became pregnant, and delivered their baby while they were traveling on an interstate. Unfortunately, Stryker's exposure to nuclear particles appears to have had adverse affects on his child, who was undoubtedly a mutant, and whom Stryker has described as being "a monster."

Horrified at his offspring, Stryker immediately killed it, then snapped his wife's neck when she asked for the baby. Despairing over his impulsive actions, he attempted suicide by loading the bodies into his car and setting it aflame while still inside. Amazingly, the car exploded and blew Stryker clear of the wreckage, yet burning his family beyond recognition and covering his crimes.

Stryker fell into despair and alcoholism for months. Shortly thereafter, however, Stryker read an article by Charles Xavier about mutants and knew what his son was. Then he blamed his wife for their offspring's mutation, turning his fury (and shame) into a 25-year-long Crusade against mutants.

This took on a more personal mission for Stryker. Initially in his spare time, he began to research mutants thoroughly and considered devising effective countermeasures. It wasn't long before the Military learned of his research and began to invest more resources for him.

Stryker claimed them to be less than human and against mankind. Stryker quietly garnered tremendous popular support and immense amounts of money.

Over the years, Stryker demonstrated again and again that he was a man who could be trusted in military circles. His loyalty and pedigree were eventually rewarded when he was given command of a new offshoot of the Military. Stryker was made the Military Director to the Weapon X Project.