Orcs | Apserans

Average Height: 6' 10"
General Description: Orcs typically are extremely strong, ugly, stupid, dirty, and green of skin. With such characteristics, one can only assume that orcs are not pleasant folk. That assumption would be correct. The orc has the natural ability to regenerate, which makes them troublesome to kill. Orcs bask in the glory of killing, eating their kills, and killing some more. They do this not out of instinct but out of purely evil motives. Their dark hearts pump malice and the need to destroy that which is not orc. They won't mess with ogres, though, as ogre meat is not good eating. If they could get away with it, they would dine on drow too (drow do not let them get away with it). 

Average Height: 6'
General Description: The Apseran are an intelligent race of lizardmen inhabiting various inhospitable locales on the continent of Cydonia. They began a tribal existence on thousands of years ago. Eventually, they united to form a massive empire, which later collapsed, leaving behind an intricate and proud history as well as a rich setting for adventurers to explore. The Apseran have a background that most races would consider evil in nature, in that conquest, enslavement, and general war and destruction were the norm. With that said, there are those who have chosen not to blindly follow in the path of their ancestors and are more or less neutral in their views of the world and its inhabitants. 