Code Name: N/A
Real Name: Tobias "Tobey" Armstrong
Identity: N/A
Occupation: Photographer
Legal Status: Naturalized citizen of the U.S. with no criminal record
Place of Birth: Edinburgh, Scotland
Marital Status: Engaged, estranged
Known Relatives: Elizabeth McAlister (estranged fiancee); Keith Armstrong-Douglas (brother); Alistair Armstrong (father, deceased); Andra Armstrong (mother, deceased)

Height: 6'
Weight: 190 lbs.
Hair: Spiked, dyed black with red highlights; naturally red. Well-trimmed mustache and goatee.
Eyes: Green
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Racial/Ethnic Background: Scottish American
Distinguishing Features: Eyes glow when powers are active, hands also give off a green aura when powers are active.

Known superhuman powers: Tobey can manipulate and is highly sensitive to the bio-energy, the energies over living things. By imparting some of his bio-energy to another leaving thing he can bolster its natural immunities and its healing factor. By doing this to an already healthy creature he can bolster their natural attributes to superhuman levels for a time and in the case of mutants he can suercharge their natural abilities. He can utilize his power on himself by draining away another living thing's energy in the same fashion. Tobey's powers can result in fatigue and eventually death for whomever experiences the loss of energy and they must be activated through flesh to "flesh" contact except in the case of smaller plants upon which he can utilize his powers within a reasonable proximity. Tobey can sense when powerful energy signatures are in the area as is the case with most mutants and he can also recognize the energy signatures of people he is familiar with enabling him to penetrate disguises both psionic and physical in nature. He can tell when an energy signature is generally unhealthy even when there are no apparent signs of injury or illness as well.
Skills: Photography

History: When Tobey was eleven-years-old, his family was involved in a car accident that claimed his parents' lives instantly and left his brother, nine-years-old at the time, suffering from extensive injuries; Tobey was miraculously unharmed. Keith would have died long before the emergency crews arrived and Tobey knew he had to do something. The first time he used his mutant powers Tobey nearly died. The emergency crews arrived and pulled both boys from the flaming wreck just before it exploded entirely. Everyone, including the doctors, was puzzled. Though Keith was covered with blood and by all rights should have been the one in intensive care, Tobey was one fading in and out of consciousness. Tobey's uncontrolled excercise of his power left Keith over-energized while Tobey was struggling to stay alive. During the night, a nurse came to check on Tobey. She had a boy of her own at home about his age and sat with him for a while and took his hand in hers to say a prayer. Tobey's powers went active again and he nearly killed the nurse before his grip was broken by a team of nurses and doctors. One of those doctors was a colleague of Moira MacTaggert's who had recently established her mutant research facility on Muir Island. He contacted her straight away. The next day MacTaggart, the doctors, and the social workers decided it would be in the best interests of the boys if they were put under MacTaggert's care for a time so that Tobey could learn to control his emerging abilities, so Keith could be monitored for mutant abilities, and so that the brothers could be kept together during this trying period as they had no living relatives. Tobey and Keith stayed on Muir Island together for little under a year. Keith tested positive for mutancy (his powers have remained latent up to the present, however) while Tobey learned to control his abilities. A family that was willing to adopt a mutant child emerged, but they only wanted one boy, Keith. The boys were seperated and it devastated Tobey; he grew cold and withdrawn. Tobey was bounced from foster family to foster family and his increasing age and his terrible attitude made him an undesirable adoptee. He quit school when he was sixteen and eventually, he became a delinquent (stealing cars, drinking, promiscuous sex, etc.). By age seventeen, he ran afoul of the law and got himself sent to military school. That was sufficient enough shock for him to straighten himself out and finish high school. He graduated with honors, but with no family to support him he grew depressed. He was homeless and poor and contemplated suicide daily. He went on like this for about a year before he met Elizabeth in a shelter. Elizabeth's originally from London, but her father's Scottish and she wanted to connect with her roots. Elizabeth was volunteering while studying at the University of Edinbugh. She came from a modest but well-to-do background and was raised in a very proper fashion. Her relationship with Tobey was unlikely to say the least but his love for her gave him a new reason to live. Elizabeth was acquainted with the Dean of the Arts Department through her father. She put Tobey in touch with him and this enabled him to recapture his love of photography that had laid dorment since his youth. Tobey acted as a sort of "man's man" for the dean though he lacked the proper training and in exchange he recieved free room and board as well as considerable training in the art of photography. After some time, he proposed to Elizabeth. She said yes and they talked of going to the States when Elizabeth graduated in the next year. Their schedules had always been conflicting in the past and there was never a good opportunity for Tobey to meet her parents so with their engagement they decided now was the time. Having no parents of his own, he'd hope to connect with Elizabeth's family just as he'd connected with her. He was heartbroken at their rejection and without so much as a word to Elizabeth he used his meager savings from the few photos he'd sold as a freelance photographer to move to the States without her. He set up residence in New York where he hoped to find work as a photographer but to his dismay he found that the atmosphere was highly competative and he didn't fit the bill. He got involved with a talent scout, a much older woman, who persuaded him to try getting in front of the camera rather than hiding behind it. He did a few underwear shoots for Calvin Klein before finally landing a job as a staff photographer for Martha Stewart Living. At MSL, he was responsible for taking photos of centerpieces. It was so boring he quit before the end of the week. He thought about going back to modeling but a chance occurance transpired to change his life forever. He'd been out of touch with his brother for years until one day he happened to see Keith's name scroll by during the opening credits of a second rate soap opera called the Days of Our Nights. He sat down and watched the program getting a healthy laugh out of it. He found out where it was taped (Oceanside, California) and got a flight out there right away.
