Code Name: Wraith
Real Name: Terrance Kaza
Identity: Secret, but know to certain government agencies
Occupation: Aerospace engineer
Legal Status: Deceased
Place of Birth: Washington, D.C.
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Jerak Kaza (father); Lya Kaza (mother); Tamia (sister); Kalvyn (brother-in-law); Ishanta Kaza (uncle, deceased)

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 290 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Racial/Ethnic Background: African American
Distinguishing Features: None

Known superhuman powers: Wraith alters the density of his body and a small amount of mass in contact with his body by drawing on an extradimensional source. The density of his body can be dropped to the point of becoming intangible and able to defy gravity to a degree. And when raised, his body becomes highly durable with an increase in strength to compensate.
Skills: Aerospace engineering, military science

History: The son of a Wakandan scientest and an American politician, Terrance was educated in some of the finest private schools and spent his summers in Wakanda. He later attended Tuskegee University and studied aerospace engineering, while also training in the Air Force ROTC program. He served four years of active duty in the Air Force afterwards, seeing some action on a United Nations humanitarian mission in Yugoslavia. Terrance moved to Wakanda and was employed by the firm responsible for manufacturing the Avengers' Quinjets. One day, the facility he worked at was sabotaged by enemies of the state. Terrance saved himself by activating his latent mutant powers and rendering himself intangible. Rather than be transferred to another facility afterwards, he chose to return to the United States. Terrance came to Manhattan, New York to visit with his sister, who had married and had a new baby. However, at the same time, Onslaught made his assault with an invasion of Sentinels. Terrance became convinced that he just brought bad luck wherever he went and cut his visit short, trying to get out of the city. His bus was attacked by one of the Sentinels, however, the intervention of Spider-Man allowed him to escape. Arriving in Washington D.C., Terrance found only bad news waiting for him from his parents. His mother, who had been elected a state representative, had come across the rumors of Operation: Zero Tolerance coming into effect and was worried for his life. He tried to assuage her fears, not believing that such a thing would actually come to pass. Several weeks later, his uncle Ishanta came to visit. Ishanta has lost the use of his right arm in a car accident a year prior, but had recently received a miraculous treatment involve cybernetics that gave him the use of it back. Of course, everyone was overjoyed by the news. That night, Ishanta awoke in the middle of the night, the Prime Sentinel sleeper program activating, and he attempted to kill Terrance. He defended himself the best he could, not yet having full conscious ability to control his powers. His parents were alerted by the commotion this caused and came to investigate. Ishanta subdued them both with sleeper gas, but to Terrance, who was dazed from a blast he had just taken, it appeared as though his parents were just killed. He attacked in a rage, subconsciously making his body intangible once again and frying Ishanta's circuitry. They put Ishanta's body in the guest bedroom and called 911, claiming that Ishanta had some form of seizures. Terrance returned to Wakanda and his job of designing and constructing the Avengers' Quinjets. However, with Wakanda's ruler, the Black Panther, having been absent since the incident with Onslaught, Wakanda was made somewhat turbulent and unsafe by the various factions wrestling for control. This caused Terrance to leave his job and Wakanda once again. Eventually, Terrance came back to the United States. He was stopped at the airport and unfairly arrested by authorities. He was drugged and taken to an unknown location where he spent the next hour being interrogated. Getting nothing from him, the agents stepped back to allow the man orchestrating all this to speak, Henry Peter Gyrich. Gyrich explained that he had a use for him and that the government team, X-Factor, had becoming increasingly uncontrollable. He also threw in a somewhat indirect threat towards Terrance's family. So Terrance agreed and was subjected to modifications by Weapon X, who was apparently cooperating with Gyrich. He was inplanted with various surveillance devices before being sent to Falls Edge, where he met and joined X-Factor.
